About us
ACSA is a small group of clinical supervisors with a big vision.
Since coming together in 2011, we’ve worked hard to connect like-minded practitioners as they provide and promote clinical supervision.
Members of ACSA are professionals who love clinical supervision. Together, we form a strong, unified voice that advocates for excellent professional practice while supporting all those around us. We do so by hosting events, helping people network in their communities, recommending podcasts and literature, and generally helping everyone stay up-to-date on industry research.
We always welcome new supervisors and believe in best practice for everyone. If you share our interests, consider becoming an ACSA member to gain our full range of benefits.
What’s clinical supervision?
Professional Support For Everyone
As many groups and organisations have adapted ‘clinical supervision’ to meet their own needs, it lacks a clear definition. We at ACSA support the concept that clinical supervision is a structured, professional relationship between two or more people, built on trust and respect where-in the supervisee can reflect on their practice, explore ethical issues and develop critical thinking skills. Within these sessions the supervisee chooses what to explore within each session, and ideally chooses their own supervisor. Clinical supervision can be provided individually, in groups, or amongst peers.
Trained clinical supervisors provide clinical supervision. They support effective, ethical, and safe practice for all clients, and help supervisees reflect on workplace concerns and understand issues that are relevant to their practice. Instead of supervising on-the-job or at the point of practice, our clinical supervisors provide support in a protected time and space away from the work environment.
Our vision
We envision an Australia where everyone can access clinical supervision, regardless of their discipline or location. With their wellbeing supported and practices refined, professionals will better support their clients and service users and shape the best possible outcomes for everyone.
At ACSA, we’re building this future by connecting people in helping professions to quality learning and meaningful professional relationships. Every one of our members is helping pave the way to a world of great clinical practice.
Our people
Being the voice of clinical supervision in Australia, we proudly welcome those who wish to join as supervisors or as supervisees. We connect all our members with like-minded people who can support their journeys.
Most members are health professionals, but we welcome people from all industries – education, justice, legal, community services, and more. We provide clinician-supervisees with a point of contact for resources and a place to come together for mutual growth and support.
Benefits of becoming a member