Australian Clinical Supervision Association

Carolyn Imrie

Carolyn Imrie

Carolyn is a Mental Health nurse who has worked in the MH field for 40 years. She is a qualified counsellor and Gestalt therapist. Trained as psychiatric nurse in Scotland Carolyn originally migrated to Australia in 1989. For the past 27 years she has worked in a Melbourne metropolitan MH service primarily in the Psychological Trauma Recovery Service outpatients as a member of a multi-disciplinary team offering group treatment programs and individual therapy for veterans, serving members and emergency service personnel. Alongside this role she has also been working as a clinical nurse educator and been involved with building up a structure for MH nurses to access reflective clinical supervision within the service she works in. In her primary role now as a clinical nurse educator, Carolyn counts it a privilege to continue promoting and supporting nurses in her service to access and engage in clinical supervision for themselves, as a means of being accountable, sustaining themselves in the challenges they face working in the mental health field and reflecting on their practice to be the best clinicians they can be in working with their clients.

Australian Clinical Supervision Association

Carolyn has engaged in training in various models of clinical supervision and very much believes that the relationship between supervisee and supervisor is key in the process. Having been a member of ACSA for a few years Carolyn wanted to take a step and become more involved and contribute to spreading the word about clinical supervision and support individuals from all disciplines and roles to have a space to share, connect and access recourses.

Carolyn loves a good scarf and much to her husband’s dismay has one of the largest collection of scarves that you’ll probably see in Melbourne. In her leisure time she loves spending time with her two granddaughters, her grown up children, extended family and friends, and of course her two groodle ‘grandogs’. As a way of destressing from work and to keep moving Carolyn enjoys reformer pilates and group PT classes at her favourite Pilates studio.